Bulk Course Export (BCE)

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Use the Bulk Course Export utility to package existing courses into zip files* which are readily imported into existing course shells. The script is posted to the BCE/inbox folder and the resulting zip packages will be found in the BCE outbox folder. They must then be moved to the Course Packages folder of the BCC course to be used in the BCC process.

* Courses packaged using the BCE utility use the following standard naming convention  Course code_D2LExport_OU#.zip  e.g., ASM2O_D2LExport_56789.zip. This is different than the default created by the LMS which is D2LExport_OU#_datestamp.zip . e-Learning Ontario has adopted the  standard naming convention making it easier to locate course packages based on their course codes. Once the BCE script has run you will need to manually rename the files.
